The Best Au Pair Agency For Your Family

The Best Au Pair Agency, Simplifying the World of Childcare

For over 30 years, we’ve provided families with an easy way to find qualified au pairs from around the world. Welcoming one of our carefully screened international au pairs is a budget-friendly, flexible way to provide loving, live-in care for your children. It’s a culturally rich experience that will benefit your entire family—and we’re the best au pair agency to match you with the right individual.

Benefits of Hosting an Au Pair

Our au pair exchange program offers host families many benefits, including:

A budget-friendly childcare option

A budget-friendly childcare option

Carefully screened and trained au pairs

Carefully screened and trained au pairs

Up to 45 hours of childcare per week

Up to 45 hours of au pair services per week

Flexible scheduling and consistency

Flexible scheduling and consistency

Care for multiple children and ages

Care for multiple children and ages

Cultural exchange and language learning

Cultural exchange and language learning

Au Pair Program Providing Care for All Stages

Whether you have infants, toddlers, school-aged kids, or children with special needs, our au pair agency has experienced young people for every stage.

Infant Care (Ages 0-12 months)

Infant Care (Ages 0-12 months)

Au pairs are extra hands to new (and tired) parents.

Toddler & Preschool (Ages 1-4)

Toddler & Preschool (Ages 1-4)

Au pairs help little ones learn and thrive.

School-Age (Ages 5+)

School-Age (Ages 5+)

Au pairs help simplify the busy schedules of school age children.

Special Needs

Special Needs

Au pairs offer support for children with special needs.

Super Au Pair

Au Pair USA congratulates our Super Au Pair winners for providing incredible childcare, resulting in life-changing experiences for everyone involved.

Au Pair USA Au Pair USA
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