For Hosts
Camp USA
Highlights from the 2018 Photo Contest
Highlights from the 2018 Photo Contest

Highlights from the 2018 Photo Contest

December 11, 2018

2 -min read

Please join us in recognizing our 2018 Photo Contest Winners! We had three fabulous winners for each month of the summer, and all of our winners received a super fun care package sent to their camp!

Our June photo contest winner was Maureen Burke at YMCA Camp Lakewood! About her photo: “Every Sunday night we have a crazy campfire when the new campers come where we sing songs and dance and this picture was taken of me on my way to the crazy campfire last night😊”

Bethany Flynn at Camp Lochearn won our July photo contest! About her photo: “We were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the hot air balloon which came from the airport down the road!”

George Preston at The Tyler Place Resort submitted this winner for the month of August. About his photo: “Each week, we take different age groups out for late ski, which I believe is the best time of day where we get to teach the kids any water sport of their choice and we get this view!“c

Check all of the other amazing photos we received throughout the summer!

Images courtesy of Camp USA Participants

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Rebecca joined InterExchange in January 2017, and worked with the Work & Travel USA and Camp USA programs.


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