International Participants
Career Training USA
Intern & Trainee
Career Training USA

Insurance Information

Prescription Medication

Seeking Treatment

When you need medical care, you can choose to see a doctor in-person or via telemedicine. Instructions on seeking care are below, but if you’d like additional assistance, you can contact the insurance company directly. 


  • Toll Free (855) 731-9445
  • Direct +1 (317) 927-6806
Telemedicine visit

Telemedicine visits are great for non-emergencies. Telemedicine doctors can prescribe medication and are a quick and easy way to receive treatment. There are also a number of free consultations included in your plan. After you’ve used your free visits, there may be a small fee to use the service but this will still remain the cheapest option for seeking care.

To make a telemedicine appointment: 

  • Follow the steps on the insurance website to register for Teladoc
  • Once your account is created, you can request a consultation through the Teladoc app. 
  • If you are prescribed medication, follow the instructions below on filling your prescription. 

If you’d prefer to see a doctor in-person, there are a variety of in-person providers you can choose from, but some are more cost-effective than others. 

  • Walk-in Clinics: Often do not require an appointment. These are a good option for routine sicknesses like the flu and can usually be found in stores like CVS, Walgreens, Target, or Walmart. This is a cost-effective option. 
  • Urgent Care Clinics: Similar to walk-in clinics, these locations often don’t require an appointment and are good for non-emergencies. Typically they can deal with more severe cases than a walk-in clinic as they can do x-rays or labs on-site. This is also a cost-effective option. 
  • Doctor’s office: You will generally need an appointment to visit a doctor’s office. This can be a cost effective option if you have a condition that will require ongoing care. 
  • Emergency Room: Only use the emergency room (ER) in emergency situations. Emergency room visits are very expensive in the U.S. and you may have an additional ER deductible that you will have to pay if you seek treatment at the emergency room and aren’t admitted.

To see an in-person doctor: 

  1. Visit the Doctor/Hospital Search page on the insurance website.
    • Interns or Trainees in the 50 states should use the UnitedHealthcare link to search for in-network providers in the USA.
    • Interns or Trainees in Guam and Saipan should click on the link for My IMG International Access to search for in-network doctors.
  2. When searching for doctors, list your postal code and choose the type of care or doctor you need. We recommend searching for “places” if you’d like to visit a walk-in or urgent care clinic. 
  3. If you are visiting a walk-in or urgent care clinic, you can visit the office anytime during their open hours. If you will be visiting a doctor’s office, you will need to call the office to make an appointment. 
    • Making an appointment with a doctor over the phone:Hello, my name is (Your Name). I am calling to make an appointment with Doctor (Name of the Doctor). My American insurance plan uses the UnitedHealthcare provider network and this doctor is listed as in-network. When is the next available appointment for new patients?”
  4. Show your insurance ID card at the doctor’s office.
  5. You may need to pay a $50 deductible at the time of your visit. What is a deductible? This is the amount you must pay before the insurance company will start to cover the costs.
  6. Ask the doctor’s office to send your medical bills to the insurance company. Then follow the steps below to track your insurance claims. 
  7. If you are prescribed medication, follow the instructions below to fill your prescription. 

If you receive a prescription for medication during your program for an unexpected illness or injury, you will need to visit a pharmacy to have your prescription filled.

  • All medications must be paid in-full by you at the pharmacy.
  • You will not have a BIN number as your insurance coverage does not include a network for prescription medication.
  • Keep your payment receipts
  • You will then need to submit a copy of your payment receipt with a completed Proof of Loss Form to get reimbursed. Review the Claims information below to submit for reimbursement. 

A claim form is a form/application you must fill in after going to the doctor in order for the insurance company to pay your medical bill. You must track all claims after seeking medical care, and if you were prescribed prescription medication, you will need to complete a claims form to receive reimbursement. 

  1. If you haven’t already, register for your MyIMG account
  2. Check on the status of your claim periodically through MyIMG.
    • If additional information from you is required (ie. an accident form, a claim form, receipts, etc.) you will be notified about this via email or through your MyIMG. Note that you will only be notified if you have an active MyIMG account, so it’s very important that you are registered. 
    •  You have 90 days from the date of service to submit any required additional information. 
  3. You will be notified once your claim has been processed.