Repeat Participation
Repeat Participation in the Internship and Training Program
It is possible to do additional internship programs as long as you are still a current student or within one year of graduation. However, we require that you return to your home country to complete a semester of school before applying for another internship.
You are generally not permitted to return to the same host employer, but this may be possible in some circumstances. Contact us to discuss further if this applies. Additional internships and training programs must expose you to new skills, tasks and responsibilities, while still providing you with a training opportunity.
You may also repeat the Trainee program. However, if you have previously completed a J-1 internship or training program, you must leave the U.S. for a period of two years before you will be eligible for another Trainee program in the U.S. This is required of all participants, and it applies specifically to applying for an additional Trainee visa – not other visa types or categories.