The InterExchange Foundation supports people with a passion for improving the world while learning about and sharing culture. Since 2007, the Foundation has provided half a million dollars in funding to young Americans who wish to participate in meaningful projects abroad and to share their experiences with local communities in the U.S. We’re excited to announce the expansion of our grant offerings with the Community Impact Grant and the Working Abroad Alumni Grant.
Community Impact Grant
At InterExchange, we believe that by allowing people to work side-by-side with people in another country, we can increase global understanding. Our work abroad programs for U.S. citizens are designed to connect participants with locals in meaningful ways.
Often times, participants identify additional ways (beyond their particular program) to contribute to local communities and build connections. The InterExchange Foundation will support these endeavors with the Community Impact Grant, which provides funding to participants who devise or improve upon a project that will positively impact their host community.
Perhaps the school where you’ve been placed to teach English could benefit from an English library or the neighborhood playground is in shambles and children don’t have a safe, public space to play. Participants can apply for up to $1,500 to fund a sustainable initiative that benefits locals and contributes to cross-cultural understanding.
The grant is open to U.S. citizens participating in an InterExchange work abroad program at least 12 weeks in length.
Working Abroad Alumni Grant
When participants return to the U.S. after working or volunteering abroad, they inevitably have a ton of stories to share, lessons learned, and excitement about exchange programs. The Working Abroad Alumni Grant provides up to $450 to recent participants who want to share their abroad experience with the local U.S. community.
Recipients schedule and conduct presentations about their time abroad and encourage their community to consider exchange programs. This is a great way for alumni to share all they have learned and gain public speaking experience!
The grant is open to U.S. citizens who successfully completed an InterExchange work abroad program of at least six weeks in length. Recipients must have completed their program within 12 months at time of grant application.
About the Foundation
Uta Christianson, founder of the InterExchange Foundation, felt that exposure to living and working abroad should be part of everyone’s personal education. By funding grants for eligible young Americans interested in exploring the world around them, she hoped to increase the number of Americans involved in international work exchanges.
In addition to the Community Impact Grant and the Working Abroad Alumni Grant, the Foundation also offers the Christianson Fellowship for young Americans who self-arrange service projects abroad for six months or longer.