
Frequently Asked Questions

What documents does InterExchange need to consider my J-2 Visa sponsorship application?

We’ll need a copy of your passport, relationship to the J-1 holder, contact information, and other biological details to provide visa sponsorship. If you are above the age of 18, you will also need to sign and return InterExchange’s J-2 Dependent Visa Sponsorship Agreement.

The J-1 Visa holder will need to consider all costs associated with bringing J-2 dependents to the U.S. Please keep in mind that there is no guarantee a J-2 dependent will receive work authorization. Therefore, the J-1 Visa holder must prove they can support all J-2 dependents independently without needing to rely on additional income from a J-2 dependent. Please contact us directly to discuss the recommended proof of funds amount for your particular situation, as it may vary based on location, number of dependents, and whether you intend to bring dependents under the age of 18.

Applying for visas together will likely make the visa process easier for dependents. However, J-2 applicants may apply for a visa after the J-1 applicant. Please note that there may be additional fees for separate interviews, depending on the Embassy/Consulate.

Most family members choose to arrive together, but J-2 holders may apply for a visa and/or travel to the U.S. separately as long as they have a valid DS-2019 and J-2 Visa. However, J-2 Visa holders may not arrive in the U.S. before the J-1 Visa holder.

The length of your program is dictated by the J-1 holder’s program dates. The dates on your DS-2019 will match the dates on the J-1 holder’s DS-2019.

Similar to J-1 participants, most J-2 holders are entitled to a 30-day grace period to settle your affairs and to travel within the U.S. after your program ends. Your grace period begins the day after the program end date on your DS-2019 Form. You must exit the U.S. by the 30th day of your grace period in order to remain in good standing.

To see if you have been granted a grace period, confirm that the arrival stamp in your passport says “D/S”. This means “duration of status”, which denotes your program dates plus 30 days. If your arrival stamp does not say “D/S” and instead has a date written on it, you must leave the U.S. by that date, even if it is before your program end date.

J-2 holders may only work if they are first approved by USCIS for work authorization. To qualify for employment authorization, you will be asked to prove that the job you are doing is not intended to support the J-1 holder. Instructions are available on the USCIS website.

J-2 Visa holders may attend school while in the United States. Please contact the prospective school to find out the requirements for enrolling.

If you plan to travel outside of the U.S. during your program, you must receive a travel validation signature from InterExchange before departing the U.S. Please submit your request for travel validation at least one week before your intended travel date. Review our tips on travel during your program.

Yes, you are free to travel outside of the U.S. on your own once you obtain a travel validation signature. There is no limit to the amount of time a J-2 holder may spend outside of the U.S. Remember to bring all your documents with you and inform InterExchange each time you travel.

No, you must return home if the J-1 holder is no longer completing a program in the U.S. Similarly, former spouses may not maintain J-2 status after a divorce from the J-1 holder.