Note: If you have signed up for your program with the help of International Exchange Center (IEC)CKM 2000 Travel, or SAYIT in your home country, please click below to to get more information about your insurance.

All InterExchange Work & Travel USA students will be covered by accident and sickness insurance during their program in the U.S. InterExchange-arranged insurance is provided through Envisage Global Insurance. The name of  the insurance company is International Medical Group (IMG). Participants are insured during their program dates (your DS-2019 dates).

Before You Leave for the U.S.

  1. Read your insurance brochure: Make sure you understand the coverage details provided in the Insurance Brochure 2024 and Insurance Brochure 2025
  2. Finding your insurance ID card: You will receive your ID card and health insurance information approximately one week before your arrival date from [email protected].
  3. You can also Download Your Insurance Card here. Save it on your phone or keep a print out as a backup.

Using Your Insurance While in the U.S.

1. Teladoc 

Your plan includes access to a virtual telemedicine service.If you have a minor or non-urgent medical need, you can use Teladoc Virtual Telemedicine to see a doctor or get a prescription.

2. In Network Doctors

Find a medical provider in the UnitedHealthcare (UHC) network: Online; OR Call the insurance company or InterExchange

3. Non-Emergency Care

For immediate care in non-emergency situations, you SHOULD go to a Walk-in Clinic, Urgent Care center or local doctor. Urgent Care and Walk-in Clinics are often the best places to seek medical care as you can walk right in and they require no appointment.

4. Emotional Wellness Support

DialCare is included in your plan for no additional cost to support you in your time of need. DialCare is a virtual and telephonic counseling service focused on providing safe, secure and private means of seeking mental health assistance from licensed counselors. Please visit the website for more details.

5. Making an Appointment 

Here’s an example of how you might request a doctor’s appointment:

Hello, my name is <Your Name>. I am calling to make an appointment with Doctor <Name of the Doctor>. I have an American insurance plan provided by IMG. My insurance uses the UnitedHealthcare (UHC) provider network and this doctor is listed as in-network. When is the next available appointment for new patients?

Note that some doctors might not have availability to accept new patients. Don’t get discouraged. There are many providers in the network

6. Insurance ID Card

Make sure you carry your  ID card and show it at the doctor’s office. 

7. Pay Your Deductible ($150)

What is a deductible? This is the amount you must pay before the insurance company will start to cover the costs.

8. Tracking Medical Bills

Ask the doctor’s office to send your medical bills to the insurance company. Keep records of all receipts and paperwork from your medical visits.

9. Submit a Claim

  • Fill Out a Claim Form and send It to [email protected] 
  • Make sure to submit any copies of payment receipts or bills from the Medical Provider. International Medical Group, needs this form to process your medical bills once they receive them from the medical office.
  • You have 90 days from the date of service to submit the claim form. If you submit it late, your claims will be denied and you will be responsible for paying your medical bills.

10. Check the Status of Your Claim

  • Once you have submitted your claim to International Medical Group, you can create a My Account to check the status of your claims, or contact International Medical Group.
  • All the information you need to file claims and check the status of your claims is in your Student Zone

In an Emergency

Call 911 or visit an Emergency Room (ER) at your local hospital. Your deductible for visiting the ER when you are not admitted to the hospital is $350. Use of the ER in case of an injury will not be subject to the deductible.

Prescription Medication

Pay for your prescription medication and submit a copy of your payment receipt with a completed Proof of Loss Form to  [email protected] to get reimbursed. Use your Discount Drug Card to save money!

Workers’ Compensation

If you are injured at work, all claims should be referred to your employer’s Workers’ Compensation policy. Please contact us if you need support filing a Worker’ Compensation claim.

What Is Covered 

  • This insurance coverage is for accidents and sickness. It is not general health insurance. Not all illnesses are covered by the InterExchange insurance plan.

What Is Not Covered 

  • Injuries resulting from high-risk activities, such as motorcycle riding or hang-gliding, are NOT covered.
  • Illnesses that already existed prior to participation in the program (for example: diabetes, depression) are not covered by this policy.
  • Eye exams and dental exams are not covered by this policy, unless the problem is a result of an accident.

For more information about all your benefits, please read the brochure.  

Insurance During Travel Period 

InterExchange strongly encourages all participants to have insurance coverage during their additional travel period. To extend your insurance coverage, please read our IEX Insurance Extension instructions.

Insurance and International Travel

Am I covered under the insurance plan when I travel outside the country?
You are covered anywhere in the world outside your home country, as long as you do not return home. You are welcome to have coverage on various international trips during your program.

International Medical Group, Inc. Medical & Travel Assistance:

USA Toll Free (855) 731-9445
USA Direct +1 (317) 927-6806
[email protected]

Mailing Address:
Attn. Claims
303 Congressional Boulevard
Carmel, IN 46032


1.800.621.1202 (toll-free) or 917.873.5877 (emergency after business hours)