Less than 20% of placements left! Want to work & travel in Canada? 🇨🇦 Sign up today! (for U.S. passport holders only)
Want to work & travel in Canada? 🇨🇦 Sign up today!
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Camp USA
Camp USA
Camp USA
Camp USA
Camp USA

Enter the Camp USA Summer Camp Program

We provide fantastic, life-changing experiences for both U.S. camps and international counselors. 

Camp Counselor Participant collage
Programs and camp USA for exchange students
camp usa program for Exchange students
Camp Counselor Participants

Work at a camp and gain a family

As a camp counselor, you’ll collaborate closely with curious campers and lead group activities that utilize your skills and experience.

Add cultural depth to your camp

As a host camp, enrich your camp community with unique skills, languages, and cultures by hosting international counselors.

Camp Counselor Participant collage
add cultural depth - camp USA
Camp Counselor Participant collage

Connect with the Camp USA team

To start your camp counselor adventure or to host international camp counselors, get in touch today:

Campfire stories

For International Participants
3 -min read

June 21, 2024

The world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and modern digital tools is revolutionizing the way we approach mastering English and other languages. And the best part? Many of these incredible resources are completely free!
For International Participants
7 -min read

June 20, 2024

The tools we have at our fingertips can take much of the stress out of traveling, allowing us to truly make the most of our time to explore. These are a few of my favorite apps for travel.
For International Participants
2 -min read

June 4, 2024

Meet Valeria Luz Velazco, an adventurous spirit from Peru who embarked on her life-changing Work & Travel USA cultural exchange program journey two years ago. This past winter marked her final visit to the U.S. and while she gained valuable insights from her previous experiences, this year’s journey proved to be truly transformative.
hear from our participants

Life-changing international opportunities

InterExchange programs expand the worldviews of participants and hosts alike. Participants experience personal and professional growth, while hosts enjoy the intercultural value that these young people bring to their businesses and homes.

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