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Career Training USA
Intern & Trainee
Career Training USA
Host Interns & Trainees
Host Interns & Trainees

Host international interns and trainees

We make hosting international interns and trainees simple by providing J-1 Visa sponsorship and support services for approved candidates. Hosting brings an array of benefits to your company!
Intern and Trainee program collage
Intern and Trainee program

Host an international intern or trainee

Vibrant international talent can boost your business. Using our streamlined system, your international candidate can quickly be approved to complete a professional internship in the United States.

Hosting an intern or trainee is quick and easy. Your candidate can be approved in as little as 10 days.

You will pay no program, visa, or placement fees to participate in our program.

What are host employers saying

Life-changing international opportunities

InterExchange programs expand the worldviews of participants and hosts alike. Participants experience personal and professional growth, while hosts enjoy the intercultural value that these young people bring to their businesses and homes.
“I believe that by recruiting international interns, we will be able to share new experiences with new talents and give each other positive strength and energy.”
Angela, Host Employer in Los Angeles
“I also think that it is a good way for employees to learn about different cultures and the ways that each one of them works. This enriches the employees and therefore the company.”
Jorge, Host Employer in Miami

How it works

Hosting an intern or trainee is quick and easy. Your candidate can be approved in as little as 10 days!

Check eligibility

Review our Host Employer Requirements to make sure our program is right for you.

Apply online

Sign up and invite your intern or trainee to the online application.

Start hosting

Welcome your new intern or trainee to your company and get started training!


We’re thrilled that you are interested in hosting an international intern or trainee at your organization. These handy resources will help to guide you through the program.

Host Interns and Trainees collage

Sign up to gain international talent

Complete your application and create your participant’s DS-7002 Training Plan.