Workplace Problems or Concerns

Adjusting to Your New Environment

When you arrive in the U.S., you should expect that you will need some time to adjust to your new life in the States.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, have questions, or just need extra help, your first step should always be to talk with your host employer. It is usually better for your host employer to hear your concerns from you before being contacted by us. It is a common practice in the U.S. to address problems and concerns with either your supervisor or the human resources department. By doing so, you and your employer have the opportunity to work together to fix any issues that may arise during your program.

If you encounter a problem that your employer is unable to address, please contact us directly to assist you.

IMPORTANT: Always contact InterExchange whenever you have a serious concern, even if you’ve already informed your employer.

Sexual Harassment and Discrimination

It is essential that you treat everyone you encounter with respect. You should also insist on being treated with respect. Harassment or discrimination of any form is never acceptable.

Sexual harassment is behavior of a sexual nature that is uninvited, unwanted, and unwelcomed by the recipient. The behaviors include physical contact, verbal abuse, gestures, jokes, or written messages.

If you feel uncomfortable about another employee’s behavior towards you, speak with your supervisor or the human resources department regarding your concerns. Some behavior may simply be a matter of cultural differences, but you have the right to feel comfortable in the workplace.

Sexual harassment includes:
  • Continuous idle chatter of a sexual nature
  • Sexual slurs, innuendos, and other comments about a person’s clothing, body and/or sexual activities
  • Continuous and unwelcome flirting
  • Lewd remarks or suggestive sounds such as whistling, wolf calls, or kissing sounds
    Implied or overt threats if sexual attention is not given
  • Repeated unsolicited propositions for dates and/or sexual intercourse
  • Jokes or comments based on sex
  • The use of graphics or other materials degrading persons based on their sex
  • Unwelcome touching or ogling
  • Coercion, with the promise of reward
  • Unwanted physical contact such as patting, pinching, stroking or brushing up against the body
  • Attempted or actual kissing or fondling
  • Physical assault
  • Coerced sexual intercourse or rape

It is essential that you treat everyone you encounter with respect, and you should insist on being treated with respect, too! Harassment in any form is never acceptable. Being drunk or getting caught up in the moment is NEVER an excuse for behavior that is disrespectful or hurtful to others. Throughout your program, if you experience any situation that makes you feel uncomfortable, please notify InterExchange immediately.

Who are the victims? Anyone – male or female, young or old – can be the victim of sexual harassment from someone of the opposite, or the same sex. Bosses who promise to assist with changing visa status or offer additional pay or hours in exchange for sexual favors are breaking the law.

If you are being harassed, take action to stop it. Some options available to you are:

  • Say no. Make it loud and clear. A harasser does not expect confrontation.
  • Keep records of all incidents and confrontations.
  • Find witnesses or others who will back up your claim.
  • Get support from a friend, employer, or anyone else you trust. Make sure you don’t keep it to yourself. The more help you get, the faster the harasser will stop.
  • Call InterExchange immediately. We are available 24/7 at our emergency hotline 917.373.0994.
  • If you are in immediate danger, call 9-1-1.
  • Sexism is prejudice or discrimination based on sex. It may be less direct than sexual harassment.
  • Racism is the hatred, intolerance, or negative attitude towards another race or other races.
  • Homophobia is the hatred or fear of homosexuals or people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered (LGBT).
    If you think you may be being treated unfairly because of your sex, race, or sexual orientation, get support from someone you trust and call InterExchange to discuss the issue. We are always here to assist you!

For more information visit The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission at

Companies in the U.S. are typically not permitted to discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, religion, or ethnic origin. Some companies also prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

It is best to discuss your host employer’s anti-discrimination policy with human resources so you can be sure that you are treated fairly and that you also treat others appropriately.

Know Your Rights

The William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (WWTVPRA) of 2008 protects the legal rights of certain employment or education-based non-immigrants, including J-1 Exchange Visitors, against abuse and discrimination while visiting the United States.

Among other protections, you have the right to:

  • Be treated and paid fairly
  • Not be held in a job against your will
  • Keep your passport and other identification documents in your possession
  • Report abuse without retaliation
  • Request help from unions, immigrant and labor rights groups and other groups
  • Seek justice in U.S. courts
  • Always contact InterExchange with concerns regarding your safety and well-being.

Be aware of all the laws that protect you.

Termination/Quitting Your Internship or Training Program

Participation in our Career Training USA program is optional for both you and your employer. If at any time you or your employer feel that the program is not working out, it is possible to end the program.

  • If you are not performing at a level that was expected by the employer, they may terminate your employment with them.
  • Similarly, if you do not feel that your employer is able to provide the type of program you were expecting, you may quit your internship/training program.
  • In both cases, be sure to have a thorough discussion with your supervisor and InterExchange regarding any issues before making the decision to end your internship.

Since your employment status is recorded in SEVIS, you must notify InterExchange immediately if you are terminated or if you decide to leave your host employer.

If you are terminated by your employer or if you quit, you have two options available to you:

  • Early Withdrawal: If you would like to return home, please contact InterExchange. You must leave the U.S. within 30 days of your last day interning or training with your host company. Make sure to contact InterExchange prior to departing permanently from the U.S.
  • Change of Host Company: If you wish to remain in the U.S., you may be able to apply for a change of host company. Contact us to discuss your situation and obtain the application required for changing your employer.

NOTE: that you must change your host employer within 30 days of leaving your initial host company, so it is essential that you contact us immediately to begin the process. If your Change of Host Application is approved, you will be given a new DS-2019 Form, which will show your new host company’s address as the Primary Site of Activity Address.

For your safety, also learn about the signs of human trafficking to ensure you don’t become a victim.